SEE OUR ONLINE SHOP TO BUY the best Fruit TREES for colorado TODAY!
Shop for heritage apple trees grafted by MORP. Local pickup only, no shipping. We will hold your completed order for up to two weeks. No refunds, credit only. Our fruit trees are grown naturally. They average 4 feet tall in 3 gallon pots, and will fit in a standard sized vehicle. See our tree guarantee and planting instructions. Email to with any questions.
Directions to the MORP nursery are 17312 RD G, Cortez CO 81321. From the highway 491 turnoff just south of Cortez drive west for 7.5 miles (track it!) on county road G (McElmo Canyon road). Nursery is on the south or Ute Mountain side of the road. Google maps will send you astray. No cell coverage in the canyon. The turn-around is a three point turn for standard sized vehicles. Visit us during scheduled tree sales or by appointment.
Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project presents two annual events where you may purchase heritage apple trees in-person. Mark your calendars for the Summer Heritage Apple Tree Sale on the third SAT in June, and the Orchard Social and Fall Heritage Apple Tree Sale on the second SAT in October.
heritage apple tree donations!
MORP donates heritage apple trees to communities and individuals that can provide the land, water, fence protection, and labor to care for them. Additionally one or more of the following criteria must be met:
- Community space/project such as community, school, non profit, research, museum, or conservation orchard
- Historic orchard property
- Low income household such as Habitat for Humanity family
- Native American household
In addition to the above criteria, donations are made based on availability. MORP selects the trees and in most cases you would need to make arrangements to pick them up in SW Colorado. Our donated trees tend to be on the Charlie Brown side of life in size and shape but are healthy otherwise. They will grow up beautifully with a good home. If interested, please send us an email briefly describing your project/qualifications including how many trees you could ideally care for and when you would be ready for them.