Heritage School Orchards and Curricula

MORP’s work in local schools in partnership with the Montezuma School To Farm Program (MSTFP) during 2015-2017 established seven school orchards (six elementary and one high school). Students participated in planting the orchards accompanied by MORP pruning and grafting demonstrations and heritage orchard curricula developed by MSTFP. This work was made possible by a 2015 Colorado USDA Specialty Crop Grant award to MORP. 

Heritage Orchard Curricula available for teachers and students to meet Colorado Common Core Standards:

Heritage Orchard Curricula to meet Colorado Core Standards

Heritage Orchard Installation Parts I and II

madlimbs final1

madlimbs final2


Orchard Care Pruning Lesson

Pruning Activity

Pollinating Orchards Lesson

pollinating orchards

Pollinator lesson attachment 

Apple Pressing Lesson

Upper elementary apple pressing worksheet
