bold orange group aka Shrek


Bold orange group aka Shrek heritage apple. Select available rootstock and delivery method. See general information & FAQ’s before ordering.

  • Local pickup in SW Colorado available for all trees.
  • Shipping available only for trees that have a “shippable size” listed under the Delivery Method dropdown. Cost of shipping/handling included in price.


A historic cultivar whose name has been forgotten to time. Currently does not match to any known cultivar in the DNA dataset. Several old trees remain in the historic Reynold’s Ranch near Colorado Springs where they have resisted pest, disease, and drought for over 100 years. We tend not to rename historic cultivars with anything but a unique identifier but our 12 year old insisted on calling it SHREK. Does seem fitting.

When small and not fully ripe this apple is a bittersweet. As it ripens towards early October it seems the bitter is only slightly detectable in the skin. Yellow, sugary flesh. Yum, fun, we will preserve this apple and share it with others whatever it is. Cider makers are sure to fall head over heels in love with it.

This is one of MORP’s endangered Guardian Trees. We encourage you to grow it and add it to Fruit RegisTREE to help with our preservation efforts.

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